Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why do I feel so guilty running ?

Lately this is how I feel. Even though my doctor is well aware of what I am doing. However when I was there on Tuesday he asked how many miles I was still getting in. When I replied still about 30-35 . He raised his eyebrow and said "You are still able to do that" . As if maybe he said yes to my running request in the beginning figuring that I would eventually drop it. He then told me that sounded more like Marathon training . Hello!! did I not tell you the last 5 appointments my weekly mileage. It was like all of a sudden it was this shocker. Everytime I feel guilty I scour the internet for information. There is really not a lot . The Europeans really seem to advocate running while pregnant more then the Americans and I wonder why. I have read some wonderful articles by Ingrid Kristiansen (2-time Boston Marathon winner (1986,89); won New York City Marathon in 1989; former world record holder in the marathon). And Elaine Cooper (winner of the London Marathon) . Both ran throughout and even competed in races while pregnant. I know these are elite athletes but I am not doing anything close to what they did . IN fact Ingrid ran 200km a week until her 5th month. Also what is getting worse as it becomes more obvious that I am pregnant is non-runners yelling for me to stop running. I watch their eyes as I run toward them lock on to my belly and I wait to hear their comments . Not all people . Some say "YOu go girl" but the ones that yell . "you shouldn't be running , that is not good for the baby ect hurt my feelings. At least give me till after the birth to say I am a bad mom. That is all just venting. This is a picture of baby's first race a 5k in Dublin , OHio . I was 5 weeks pregnant and I could not figured out why I was not able to breathe this whole race. I found out 2 days later :)