Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I feel really stressed. We got back from Maine and not only is the construction not done under us . The adjoining row house is going to be gutted in the next 3 weeks and that construction will take at least 6 months. The new owner of the house actually tried to come find us when he heard I was pregnant and had a little girl . To warn us that our home would soon be full of concrete dust, possibly lead paint particles and even asbestos !! So we are moving in the next 2 weeks. We are hoping to at least get part of the deposit back but who knows.

I know this might see extreme but our house shakes when construction is done downstairs I can't imagine the adjoining rooms being gutted and what that will sound like. And if you have kids you know how important naps are. Rory is a completely different kid if she does not get a good nap in the afternoon. It is really amazing.

OH and we are moving out of NYC in January so we only need a place for 5 months. This is really hard to find. but we think we found a furnished place. They of course want all 5 months up front. Smaller then ours now but cheaper. We will put our stuff in storage and just take what we need. Crib/ bassinet / clothes . basically like going on vacation . we will be in the same neighborhood .

God I hope this works out. Today I am transfering funds and filling out paperwork and Marc has already missed 2 days of work to deal with this. I am having BH contractions all the time but I think i just need to drink more water.

My parents are coming tomorrow for a visit and I feel bad that our home is now in boxes and that some of our plans are canceled so we can get ready to move. They are staying at a hotel but still .

I hope Rory deals with this move ok. A lot of her toys have to go to storage (not that she has a lot ) but still. One probably is our new apt is a 4 th floor walk up so if Marc is gone i have to walk the stroller down 4 flights and rory to get her to the park . But we will deal with it . I just have to take my time and not rush .